Career - Infosoft Group
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Work Culture at InfoSoft Group

“The company you choose to stay with is a reflection of who you are.”

At InfoSoft Group, we operate with high ethical values and integrity in conducting business. Our work culture is based on close collaboration between employees and the company, respecting the integrity of employees, adhering to clear and well-understood standards and rules, flexibility for new ideas, and innovation aimed at providing services and products that meet or exceed our customer requirements.

Development Opportunities at InfoSoft Group

At InfoSoft Group, every workday will be accompanied by challenges where your actions will have a significant impact. You will encounter fluid situations and needs, with dynamic characters among collaborators, who demand services/products with high performance levels to offer the most suitable solutions.

We encourage, invest, and position our human resources in roles that enable them to give their best for career growth within InfoSoft Group, contributing optimally to customer service and relationships with colleagues.

Are you ready to contribute as well?

Recruitment process

The recruitment process establishes precisely all steps that are followed for the recruitment of a new staff starting from the new job announcement all the way to the professional testing of all candidates. At this point, it is well known what an unsuccessful recruitment means for a company: money and time wasted away. To avoid such costs, through effective recruitment methods and practices we try to select professionals.

Staff training and certification

Infosoft Group aims continual staff training and certification in order to improve performance, stimulate professional growth and accelerate up the career ladder inside the company. Different types of trainings are available including on the job training, on-line training, and participation in different professional courses or seminars both domestically and abroad .

Employee motivational

InfoSoft Group pays special attention to employee motivation. The methods used for staff motivation are specific and depend on current situations, job position or employee characteristics. We make sure that every employee positioned in each of InfoSoft Group’s companies feels motivated morally and financially. We are continually up to date with the international progressive practices for employee motivation, altering them to our needs and features.


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