Career - Infosoft Group
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Work Culture at InfoSoft Group

“The company you choose to stay with is a reflection of who you are.”

At InfoSoft Group, we operate with high ethical values and integrity in conducting business. Our work culture is based on close collaboration between employees and the company, respecting the integrity of employees, adhering to clear and well-understood standards and rules, flexibility for new ideas, and innovation aimed at providing services and products that meet or exceed our customer requirements.

Development Opportunities at InfoSoft Group

At InfoSoft Group, every workday will be accompanied by challenges where your actions will have a significant impact. You will encounter fluid situations and needs, with dynamic characters among collaborators, who demand services/products with high performance levels to offer the most suitable solutions.

We encourage, invest, and position our human resources in roles that enable them to give their best for career growth within InfoSoft Group, contributing optimally to customer service and relationships with colleagues.

Are you ready to contribute as well?

Recruitment process

The recruitment procedure clearly defines all the steps followed for hiring employees in the Infosoft Group, based on fundamental criteria for education, training, qualification, experience, and other specific requirements directly related to the job position. This process is carried out in full compliance with the applicable legislation, respecting individual rights and non-discriminatory policies due to race, nationality, gender, age, special abilities, etc. Unsuccessful recruitment for a company means costs and time spent inefficiently. To avoid these costs, we strive to select the most professional candidates through the best recruitment methods and practices.

Staff training and certification

Infosoft Group aims to train and certify staff to improve performance and foster professional growth within the company’s structure. Infosoft Group is committed to the continuous development and training of employees to enhance and fulfill their job responsibilities. The trainings vary in nature, including on-the-job training, online training, participation in various trainings both domestically and abroad, and more.

Employee motivational

InfoSoft Group places special emphasis on employee motivation. The methods used for motivating staff are specific and depend on concrete situations, job positions, or employee characteristics. We ensure that every employee in each of InfoSoft Group companies feels motivated both morally and financially. For this reason, we continuously familiarize ourselves with the most advanced international practices for employee motivation, adapting them to our needs and characteristics.


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